Robuste Sensoren und Systeme für Hoch Automatisiertes Fahren

Research project rosshaf

Robust sensors and systems for highly automated driving

The development of automated driving requires full and unrestricted functionality of the vehicle's sensors and sensor systems. Highly automated driving from level 4 requires the vehicle to solve driving tasks safely and reliably, even if the driver does not respond or responds inadequately to the takeover request. Automated driving functions that depend on the vehicle's environmental sensors must also deliver acceptable and safe results under adverse environmental conditions. The goal of the rosshaf project is to increase the robustness of sensors and sensor systems to environmental conditions and thus enable the safe use of automated driving functions even under adverse environmental conditions.

A great potential for robustness enhancement is also seen in the alignment of the vehicle-bound sensor system with the stationary sensor technology. In this research project, RTB is responsible for the development of the stationary sensor platform and contributes its expertise in the field of traffic technology infrastructure. At the beginning of the project, individual tests of different sensors (e.g. based on radar, lidar, ultrasound, 3D camera technology) are to be carried out. The results will also be used to create simulation models, which play an important role in the virtual simulation of bad weather conditions. Various robustness enhancement measures will be developed and validated for both, stationary and vehicle-based sensor platforms.

Funding by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Project volume: 4.54 million € (of which 62 % funded by BMWi)
Project duration: 3.5 years (04/2021 to 09/2024)

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